Promotion of industrial education

Industrial Education Promotion Activity Support Fund

Application Guidelines for Industrial Education Promotion Activity Support Fund

  1. Purpose
    The Fund supports the expansion and promotion of activities by industrial educational institutions and similar entities aimed at advancing industrial education and technology development, providing partial funding for these initiatives.
  2. Support Targets
    • (1) Eligible Organizations
      Schools and non-profit organizations located in Kanagawa, Shizuoka, and Mie prefectures, engaged in public interest activities and projects aimed at promoting industrial education.
    • (2) Eligible Activities for Support
       (a) Organizing Events, Conventions, etc.
        Organizing various industrial conventions, workshops, competitions, etc.
       (b) Participation In Competitions
        When selected to participate in various industrial block or higher tournaments and competitions.
    • (3) Eligible Expenses for Support
      Classification Expenses Amount of Support
      Organization of events, competitions, etc. Expenses for organizing and operating conventions, etc.
      (venue expenses, purchase of goods, public relations expenses, travel expenses for board members, etc.)
      Within 1/3 of total expenses
      Maximum 1,000,000 JPY per application
      Participation in Competitions Expenses for Participation in Conventions, etc.
      (participation fees, material costs, communication and transportation expenses, travel expenses for athletes and leaders, etc.)
      Within 2/3 of total expenses
      Maximum 1,000,000 JPY per application
      *Expenses forming the basis for support funds will be scrutinized for their relevance to the project content and other related factors.
  3. Application Procedure
    • (1) Application Receptio
      Apply at least two months prior to the date of the event or convention. If scheduling conflicts prevent applying two months in advance, submit the application as soon as possible after pre-approval.
      Applications will be closed when the amount of support reaches the budgeted amount. In such a case, the Foundation will make an announcement on its website.
    • (2) Application Method
      Schools and organizations seeking activity support funds must email the completed "Application Form for Industrial Education Promotion Activity Support Funds" (Form No. 1)
      to the Foundation.
      The form is available for download on the Foundation’s website.
  4. Results of Application and the Transfer of Support Fund or Activity Fee
    (1) Within one month of receiving the application, the results will be notified via email.
    (2) Upon application approval, funds will be transferred to the specified bank account.
  5. Selection
    Selection by the Board of Directors, excluding interested parties, will be based on the criteria below:
    • (1) Applicant Organization
      Applicant organizations must be non-profit schools or organizations.
    • (2) Project Purpose and Details
        (a) Activities must be non-profit.
        (b) Activities must enhance industrial education.
        (c) Business and financial plans must be appropriate and reasonable.
  6. Reporting Obligations
    Schools and organizations that received activity support funds must email the "Application Form for Industrial Education Promotion Activity Report" (Form No. 2) to the Foundation within one (1) month after the event or convention.
    The form is available for download on the Foundation’s website.
  7. Others
    For events or conventions supported by the fund, “Sponsored by Amano Institute of Technology” must appear on all flyers and pamphlets.
  8. Inquiry
    To: Amano Institute of Industrial Technology
    7955-98, Kiga, Hosoe-cho, Hamamatsu City
    Phone: 053-523-1171,

Frequently Asked Questions

In preparation

TOP Promotion of industrial education Industrial Education Promotion Activity Support Fund