Research Grant

Industrial Education Research Grants

AY 2024 Application Guidelines

  1. Purpose
    The goal of this grant program is to contribute to the promotion of school education and the healthy development of high school students, as well as to the advancement of Japan's industrial technology. The program is intended to support effective and appropriate research in high schools affiliated with the Industrial High School Principals' Association, the Industrial Education Study Society, or others in Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Mie, Aichi, and Gifu prefectures, aimed at nurturing outstanding human resources in the field of industry.
  2. Eligible Organizations
    • (1) Schools and Other Organizations
      The target applicants include high schools that have set research themes and are trying to promote education research (hereinafter referred to as "schools") and educational research organizations (organizations with a constitution organized by teachers and staff in the prefecture).
    • (2) Departments and Other Groups
      An applicant may be a research group formed by recruiting members across departments or schools.
      Note: Club activities are excluded because they are student activities.
    • *Eligibility does not extend to schools, groups, and others that have received or will receive research grants from other organizations or institutions during the research period.
  3. Areas of Grant
    • (1) Education Research
      Curriculum research, class research, advanced technology instruction research, etc.
    • (2) Teaching Materials Research
      Production of teaching materials for practical training and experiments, production of supplementary teaching materials for textbooks, research on the use of practical training facilities, etc.
    • (3) Practical Research on Educational Activities
      Practical research aimed at developing students' creativity and problem-solving skills, such as research on SDGs initiatives and environmental energy research.
  4. Research Period
    If the project is implemented over a year, the report must be submitted by the end of March of the current academic year.
    If the project is implemented over two years, the report must be submitted by the end of March of the following academic year.
  5. Grant Amount
    • (1) Schools and Other Organizations
      Up to 1,500,000 JPY per application
    • (2) Departments and Other Groups
      Up to 800,000 JPY per application
  6. Application Procedures
    • (1) Eligibility Requirements
      Schools, departments, or other organizations that have received grants may not apply in successive years. However, even in the same school, departments or groups may apply individually each year, and it does not mean that only one application may be submitted from a school each year; any number of applications may be submitted.
    • (2) Application Documents
      To prepare and submit an application, a representative of each organization should register on the “My Page” in the electronic application system and submit the following documents:
      a. Form 1 (Application for Industrial Education Research Grants)
      b. Form 2 (Plan for Industrial Education Research)
      c. Form 3 (Plan for Grant Fund Use)
      d. For educational and research organizations, their most recent constitution
      • *Convert Forms 1, 2, and 3 to PDF files after editing and upload them via the Electronic Application System as outlined in (4) Where to apply.
      • *Form 1 must bear the official seal of your organization's head. Scan the stamp-sealed application form, convert it to a PDF file, and upload it.
      • *Convert the document listed in section d to a PDF file and upload it.
    • (3) Application period: April 1 - May 17, 2024
    • (4) Where to Apply
    • (5)
  7. Selection
    The Selection Committee, established by the Foundation, will review the application documents, and the Board of Directors will make a decision.
    However, there may be instances where the grant amount is subject to reduction.
  8. Criteria for Evaluating Applications in Each Grant Area
    Area Criteria
    Education Research Does the proposed education research address new technologies and the future direction of Japan? Does the research not only allow faculty to learn but also enable faculty to apply their research outcomes to their students and schools?
    Teaching Materials Research Does the proposal lead to research on industrial technology teaching materials effective for enhancing students' understanding?
    Practical Research on Educational Activities Does the proposed research promote discoveries and learning through community and group collaboration, and does it contribute to the healthy development of students?
  9. Notification of Award
    The application representative will be notified by email in early June 2024.
  10. Grant Transfer
    By June 30, 2024, the full grant amount will be transferred in a lump sum to the designated account.
    Note: The transfer account shall not be private. Notify the Foundation of the transfer account details by June 14, 2024.
  11. Submission of Report

Frequently Asked Questions

In preparation

TOP Research Grant Industrial Education Research Grants