
Graduate Scholarship Page

Overview of Applications for AY 2024


  1. The purpose of this scholarship is to foster and support outstanding individuals who will contribute to the development of Japan's industrial technology.

(Eligibility Criteria)

  1. Those who meet all of the following criteria:
    1. Applicants must be enrolled in the first year of a doctoral program in Science and Engineering at a graduate school in Japan.
    2. Applicants must be able to obtain a recommendation from the president or the dean of their graduate school or faculty at the time of application.
    3. Applicants must not be receiving financial support or remuneration from other institutions or organizations at the time of applying. However, this restriction is waived if the external financial support amounts to less than 600,000 JPY per year and the supporting institution approves a co-subsidy arrangement with this scholarship.
      The selection process will prioritize applicants who are not recipients of other scholarships.

(Stipend Amount and Period)

  1. Stipend: 1,800,000 JPY per year (150,000 JPY per month)
    Stipend Period: From the first year to the third year (3 years)
    Payment Method: In principle, the scholarship will be paid in two installments per year by bank transfer to a bank account under the scholarship recipient's name.

    (Stipend Schedule)

    Note: In principle, there is no obligation to return the scholarship.

(Number of Recipients)

  1. 45 persons

(Application Procedure)

  1. Follow the procedure below to complete the application:
    1. Complete the application procedure through the Foundation's electronic application system within the application period.
      Application Period: June 1 to June 30, 2024
    2. Register to the electronic application system
      a. Create [My Page]
      b. Select the applicable application type
      c. After entering basic information, upload the application documents.
    3. Application Documents
      a.(Form 1) 推薦書_Recommendation_Letter
      b.(Form 2) 履歴書_Resume
      c. (Form 3) 研究計画書_Research_Proposal
      *The application documents in the format specified by the Foundation can be downloaded from the Foundation's website.

(Evaluation Criteria)

  1. The evaluation criteria are as follows:
    1. Research Plan: Originality, future potential, feasibility, etc.
    2. Future Goals: Specific goals and motivation, contributions to society, etc.
    3. Necessity of Financial Assistance: Justification for the assistance, specific methods of utilization, etc.
    4. Web Interview: May be conducted as needed.

(Determination of Scholarship Recipients)

  1. Scholarship recipients will be determined by the Board of Directors, based on the findings of an external review and the recommendations of the Scholarship Selection Committee.

(Notification of Award)

  1. The applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection through the electronic application system in late July. The results will also be notified to the recommender (graduate school).

(Scholarship Procedures)

  1. Scholarship recipients who receive an acceptance letter must promptly complete the necessary application procedures via the electronic application system.
    1. Submission of Scholarship Receipt Confirmation Form
      (Form 4) Download the Scholarship Receipt Confirmation Form, complete, and upload in PDF format.
    2. Registration of Scholarship Transfer Account
      *The receiving account must be an account under the recipient’s name.
    3. Submission of Proof of Enrollment
      Upload the proof of enrollment in PDF format, issued with the date of enrollment certification, which should be on or after the date of the scholarship award notification.

(Annual Reporting Obligations)

  1. Scholars must submit an achievement report at the end of each academic year, detailing the results of their year’s study.
    1. Time of Submission
      At the end of the first and second year: Within 1 month
      At the end of the third year: Within 3 months
    2. Required Documents
      At the end of the first and second year: Annual Achievement Report
      At the end of the third year: Final Achievement Report
    3. Report Format
      At the end of the first and second year: A4 size, Within 1 page
      At the end of the third year: A4 size, Within 3 pages
      *The reports should be prepared according to the template format specified by the Foundation.
      a. Annual Report of Results
       Format File:
        Annual Report of Results (Japanese)
        Annual Report of Results (English)
      b. Final Report of Results
       Format File:
        Final Report of Results (Japanese)
        Final Report of Results (Japanese template)
        Final Report of Results (English)
        Final Report of Results (English template)
    4. Submission Method
      Upload as a PDF file from the electronic application system.
    5. Others
      (A) Final achievement reports of degree recipients may be posted on the Foundation’s website or included in the annual report published annually by the Foundation.
      (B) Degree recipients may be asked to present their research achievements at the annual Amano Forum.

(Obligation to Report Changes)

  1. When a scholarship recipient takes a leave of absence, withdraws from the school, or experiences any other change in status, the recipient is required to submit a Change Report (Form 5) to the Foundation without delay, as stipulated in Article 9 of the Scholarship Regulations.
    Failure to report on time may result in the obligation to return the scholarship.


  1. 7955-98 Kiga, Hosoe-cho, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu City, 431-1305
    To:Amano Institute of Industrial Technology

Dear Graduate Office,
The Foundation will determine the acceptance or rejection of the nominated students following a thorough screening and selection process.
Consequently, there is no need for an on-campus selection process. The results will be communicated to the contact on the Recommendation Letter.

Achievement Reporting of Scholarship Recipients Awarded Up to AY 2023

*Scholarship recipients are required to submit reports directly to the Foundation through the electronic application system. An Annual Results Report is due within one month after completing the first and second year; a Final Results Report is required within three months after completing the third year.

Achievement Reporting of Scholarship Recipients Awarded Up to AY 2022

*Reports should be organized by the graduate school and submitted to the Foundation. An Annual Results Report is due within one month after completing the first and second year; a Final Results Report must be submitted within three months after completing the third year.

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